Mlle Lenormand (1772 - 1843) came into prominence in France as a card diviner early in the 19th century. She made a deep impression upon the minds of her numerous followers and was celebrated by many famous personages.
The "Mystical Lenormand" picks up the themes of the classical Lenormand cards, but in a completely new and unique creation. By using the demanding egg tempera technique, the Swiss artist Urban Trösch painted the pictures on small wodden pieces with a chalk base. This is an old technique, which was even used by the Masters of the Middle Ages.
With the "Mystical Lenormand" by Regula Fiechter and Urban Trösch came a new energy into the world of cartomancy. People who love animals will love this deck; each card reserves a duly place for them.
Mystical Lenormand
Autor: Regula Fiechter / Urban Trösch
ISBN: 9783038190431
Editor: AGM
Idioma: Inglês
Dimensões: 56 x 89 mm
Cartas: 36
Tipo de Produto: Oráculo