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Druidcraft: The Magic Of Wicca and Druidry de Philip Carr-Gomm

Druidry and Wicca, also known as the Craft, are the two great streams of the Western Pagan tradition. Both traditions originated in the British Isles, and both are now experiencing a renaissance all over the world, as more and more people seek a spirituality rooted in a love of nature.

Druidcraft: The Magic Of Wicca and Druidry de Philip Carr-Gomm

SKU: 9781482769265
19,90 €Preço
  • Autor: Philip Carr-Gomm

    ISBN: 9781482769265

    Edição ou reimpressão: 2013

    Editor: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

    Idioma: Inglês

    Encadernação: Capa mole

    Páginas: 134

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